
New Beginnings

Today is my release date for my first published novella, Theory of Attraction. As a new writer, it’s a very big deal for me to have my book published and released to the public. This is also my first blog post in this blog and I just started a new job last month. So many new things are happening lately and I’m excited and nervous, and yeah, a bit overwhelmed. I wouldn’t have done it without the support of my friends, including online friends. They support me through my ups and downs, and I can't imagine my life without them. My life would really suck without them. 

For my characters, Aaron and Ethan, they are also facing new starts. They’re pursuing their graduate degree at a new university and at the same time starting a new job as a Teaching Assistant. Ethan also longs for another kind of new start. He realizes he wants a real relationship, not one-night-stands. The object of his affection, unfortunately, doesn’t feel the same.

Aaron is the kind of shy guy we all know one way or another in our lives. Maybe we are that shy guy, and I certainly identify very strongly with Aaron. He’s very insecure and it makes him wonder what Ethan sees in him. Being a neurotic, of course, he automatically assumes the worst, especially since Ethan has no idea how to properly court a man.

Everything seems to go wrong  and the pressure really gets to Aaron. Luckily, Ethan proves that he’s more than happy to alleviate Aaron’s stress, and not just in physical way! *g*
How about you? Who do you turn to when you’re stressed out and how do they help you? Leave your comment with your email address to have a chance of winning my ebook, Theory of Attraction.  The giveaway will be closed 7 pm CDT, 8/13.

Giveaway is now closed! Congratulations PATI for winning the copy of the book. :)


Ethan Roberts is a TA and the resident gay Don Juan of St. Phillips University. Getting tired of one-night stands, he decides to pursue a serious relationship. However, the only guy he really wants is Aaron Marcus, a shy and nerdy Sociology TA.

His upbringing and his past relationship have made Aaron Marcus insecure and paranoid. He thinks Ethan is just another guy who wants to make fun of him with his over-the-top courtship. However, his perception of Ethan changes when Ethan takes him home and takes care of him after Aaron gets drunk in a bar.

It is up to Ethan to reassure Aaron that despite Ethan's inexperience in relationships and Aaron's neuroses, they can make their relationship work.

Some memorable quotes according to readers: 

Professor Yates glowered at him. "I hate balls, charity or otherwise."

Aaron snorted "That's so cheesy."
"Well yeah. I am cheesy. I'm the king of cheese. You should know that by now.
Aaron's eyes were dancing with amusement. "I prefer to call you classically romantic.”

At the moment, Theory of Attraction is available at SilverPublishing store. It will be available at Amazon, ARE, and other third party sellers soon. 


  1. Congratulations on all of the "newness" going on in your life Cleon. It's certainly an exciting time for you. And congratz on the new release. I look forward to having it read to me soon.

    Yay for Cleon!

    1. Thanks, Vic! I hope you like the story. :)

  2. Congratulations, Cleon on your new book and your new job. It sounds like this is a great time in your life even if it is a little stressful. :)

    Like you, I turn to family and friends when I'm stressed, but if I stick to a routine, eat healthy, get enough sleep and exercise (I love yoga) I find I don't get nearly as stressed out. Massages help too. :D

    1. Thanks, Pender.

      Sounds like healthy ways of coping with stress. And massages... they totally help. It would help more if it were administered by hot guys, but oh well... ;)

  3. Congratulations, Cleon! What an exciting time in your life!! Theory of Attraction sounds fabulous! I can't wait to read it. Thank you for the chance to win a copy.

    In regards to your answer about stress. It's not a who... I tell everyone books keep me sane! Nothing beats stress better than reading a wonderful story that will take me away from whatever is bothering me! I am so thankful for all you wonderful people who have the talent to take us away from it all for a while.

    JPM6966 at aol.com

    1. You're most welcome, Pati. And oh yes, books! What are we going to do without them? I keep a folder of "comfort read" that I read when I don't feel like doing anything else. They cheer me up like nothing else. :)

  4. Congratulations, Cleon! It's such an exciting time for you :D

    I tend to retreat from everything when I'm stressed and do things I find relaxing like gardening/reading. And yes - it has to be comfort reads or stuff by authors I trust. My husband is pretty good at dealing with me stressed by now - he'll make me cups of tea and suggest I take a long bath with a good book.

    1. Thanks, Jo! And sounds like your hubby is a real keeper. :)

  5. Congratulations, Cleon. It must be an exciting and nerve-wracking time for you.

    In times of stress, I lose myself in the anonymity of the internet or my favourite books. I'd like to say that a day out with the family de-stresses me, but that's not always the case ;-P

    hambelandjemima at yahoo dot co uk

    1. Thanks, Hambel. I really get what you mean about family. Going out with some of them are more chores than fun!

  6. Hey Cleon-

    Nice blog design, I like it. :-)
    When I get stressed, I mostly complain to my family. It sort of works...

    Congrats on the release, hon!

    1. Thanks, Anne. It's a generic template from Blogger, but LC will help me with a more fabulous layout. Complaining and whining totally works.
      (psst... don't tell anyone I speak from experience)

  7. Congratulations, Cleon! That rush of publishing a new book never gets old. :-)

    Stress... I try to avoid it completely, but when it strikes its the outdoors I turn to. Fresh air, out hiking the trails with just the dog... No people, no traffic, no noise other than the wind through the trees and the sing-song of birds... That's what relaxes me and makes everything clearer. :-)

    (I already have a copy so don't enter me.)

    1. I thought I've replied, but apparently not. lol. Anyway, thanks, LC and your way of dealing with stress is really healthy. Must try that someday. It might help for waistline too. lol

  8. I turn to friends and family, it depends on the issue of course if I'm stressed out about.
    Congratulation to your book release!

    moonsurfer123 at gmail dot com

    1. Thanks, Anas! Friends and family do have their uses. ;)
